Hi There, this is buddysmash your movie buddy. We work really hard to provide you the best adult movies, but it might be possible that you would not find the movie you might be looking for so we have created a chatbuddy through which you can connect with us and let us know what you want and we will surely try to provide you our visitor is our peiority so please if you have request for any movie or you find dead link of any movie please feel free to message. your Identity will be safe :).

Press the Green Chat Button to Start Chatting.

Note :-

  1. If you are requesting any movie please provide links related to that movie as well like IMDB link or any other so we can find that movie easily.
  2. If you are reporting for a dead link of any movie/video on our website please provide the link for that page it will be very helpful.
  3. If you want the exclusive contents of any model please provide his/her social media handle links.